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Digital Journalling

You Dont Have to Journal Every Day!

July 05, 20244 min read

Journaling is Life! but where do I start?
and are there really any rules when it comes to Journaling?

🥳This is how we do🥰
Journalling has transformed my world over the years.

I've never been a 'daily' journaller.. I will write in my Journal for days at a time and then a 'break' usually ensues and then I will write more again for a season.. it's just how I do..

Sometimes we just need to hear someone else say It's OK to do it your way..
This is me saying to you 'it's ok to do journalling your way' 😊

I use to use paper Journals because that's all there was 'back in the day' lol...
Now I'm a Digital girl thru and thru...
Here's some thoughts from me to you 😁

1. You don’t have to Journal Everyday.

top tip = listen to your heart!

You don’t have to Journal Everyday but you absolutely must LISTEN to your Heart / your Soul - you know your ‘inner voice’😁 - Every Day.

Some indications that you need to Journal are:

  1. You are Feeling a LOT of feelings and you need to ‘process’ them

  2. Something has upset you and you just want to shout at someone

  3. A Wonderful Thing has happened and you want to ‘memorialise’ it somehow💯

  4. You are feeling ‘blah’

  5. You are in LIMBO

  6. You need a ‘state-changer’!

  7. You want to ‘scrap-book’ important moments, thoughts and feelings in Your Life🩵


So here’s a Suggestion of 2 things to think about when you are deciding how you want to go about your Journaling Practice…

  1. do you need a daily practice of journaling? (there are some that need this) OR

  2. do you need spontaneity? (and there are some that need this!)…

We are not all the same and we have different needs, so the skill here is in thinking this through and making the ‘best guess’ you can for what you need today.

And Yes, in 3 months time you may need something different.. so all you need to do is make that adjustment when the time comes - ‘blessed are the flexible’ lol 😂😂😂

Here is Journal365

2. You Don’t have to Journal in the Morning!

top tip = do what feels best each day 😬

You don’t have to journal in the morning to reap its benefits! While many people swear by their morning routine, the best time to journal is truly whenever it feels right for you!

Whether it’s over lunch, during your evening wind-down, or any quiet moment in between, the key is to honour what feels best each day. Remember, you just need to do You!

Embrace your unique rhythm and let your journaling practice flow naturally within it.

If you use OneNote - you may love this one...

3. You Don’t need to use Paper!

top tip = your Heart will tell you to go digital or go paper😬

Are you starting to sense a trend here😬?

I don’t know how ‘intuitive’ you are or how much trust and confidence you place in yourself but if there was ever a ‘day and age’ where we need to back ourselves by ‘listening’ to what our heart is telling us - it’s this day and age - and it’s actually ‘today’ - the day is here for sure!

So do you go Digital or do you go Paper?

Why not go both - if you can’t decide then just give yourself permission to do both - and yes, it really is that simple..I make different types of Journals so there is also an opportunity here to look at your options and see which one appeals to you the most and just start there…

To Sum it Up...

So the bottom line is to listen to yourself - your heart knows what it needs and it just needs to be listened to :)

Journalling - especially prompted journals can really help you get in "tune" and 'hear' what your heart is saying to you - it's an amazing way to live.

I'm over on Insta and YT and in our FBGroup if you want to ask a question or say hi 👋🏻😊

Enjoy your Journalling today,

Best, Martine 🥰

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Martine Trinder

Martine Trinder

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